Sunday, January 10, 2010

Facebook, bras and breasts

Seeing as how we’ve got onto an interesting topic of discussion courtesy of the FaceBook ‘bra campaign’, i thought I would look a little more into it. I do agree with many comments denouncing this “campaign” to a large extent. I also understand where others are coming from who support it. I want to work out what the real issue is here.

Firstly, I want to make it very clear right now that this mini essay of mine is in no way meant to make anyone feel guilty for how they view breasts – neither men nor women. Nor for women to feel bad about how they view their own breasts, in either a sexual way or in a functional way. And it is especially not meant to make any woman feel condemned if she does not view breastfeeding in the same way as me. It is meant as an objective view of the facts surrounding the issue, and any emotion is purely mine that I have inadvertantly not managed to remove from the discussion.

I still maintain that any discomfort over the issue of talking about bras/breasts is an issue of sin, not sex. Breasts are by definition not sex organs (defined by those organs involved in reproduction), they are primarily functional as mammary glands.

Sure, they can have a physical, sexual attraction and function as an erogenous zone, but so does the mouth. The mouth is used primarily to speak and eat, not to seduce or titillate. That is a secondary function that cannot be thought about on a continual basis, or we would all be guilty of lust and impure thoughts. A smile has a very different effect from a sensual pout or tongue run over the lips in a seductive fashion. To stop mentioning smiles or to never talk about the food we put in our mouth just because of the other uses of the mouth does seem a little strange – and yet the same thing has happened as regards the breast. We need to bring purity back into our culture.

So, from that point of view, I can understand how this whole ‘campaign’ could go astray – and on some people’s FB it has. The chief function of a bra is to support breast tissue, not to seduce men (I suppose you could argue that some bras would find it very hard to fit that definition!). I think a single, non-emotive word describing the colour of a bra (or any piece of clothing for that matter) being worn is different from some of the conversations I have seen on Face Book. I also think that the colours red, purple, black, or whatever, are not necessarily sexually motivated or meant to turn guys on – any more than wearing an item of red, purple or black clothing is. (Granted, some women may be trying to allude to more, and if the motivation of this is to get men just to think of women in their underwear – it is at the very least counterproductive to the cause). If the colour of a bra was important only to men, then all those sexually pure single women should never wear bras of any colour other than beige or white.

We have to be careful not to mix the issues up. If we have an issue of sexual immorality and taboo in our culture, that is the issue. Women need not be ashamed of their breasts as a result. If it were not at all about men controlling their thoughts, then we should all be wearing burqas so that men won’t be tempted to imagine things they shouldn’t. Yes, women need to help protect the sexual purity of their brothers - women should not dress in a seductive manner, or use seductive body language. However, just by virtue of having breasts, and not wearing a baggy tent so that their shape cannot be seen, it does not mean that women are trying to seduce men. And men should not lay the blame for their thoughts solely on women.

The Bible charges us to take control over our thoughts. (2 Corinthians 10:5 We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.)We are faced with temptation every day and can either succumb to it or not. We are not to deliberately allow ourselves to be tempted, and neither should we deliberately tempt another – so that argument is moot really. I am trying to get to a different level of this topic.

I agree that this campaign has not necessarily had the desired effect of only raising awareness for breast cancer (and maybe it wasn’t started for that – will we ever know?). If that’s what it was started for, it’s no surprise to me that the viral nature of such things has mutated it into something less than pure. If the way it has been done has made men uncomfortable, I apologise for having been a part of it, but I am not ashamed of my breasts as the source of nurture for my children and a place of comfort to lay their head.

As far as breasts and the Bible, my not-yet-in-depth-study shows, the term breast is used about 70 times. Chiefly generically to refer to that part of the anatomy to the front of a person and between the neck and the belly. When the word/term breast is used in reference to a woman (ie. Not generically, to a man or in regard to the part of an animal used in an offering), there are about 29 references. Of these, 21 refer to the breast as something to be beaten or torn at (in the sense of grieving), but chiefly as regards nursing a child or comfort given at the breast. Only 9 are of a sexual context and seven of these are from the Song of Songs. The other two are explicitly sexual in reference to impure sexual practices. The seven that are used in Song of Songs are found amidst references to eyes, hair, teeth, lips, temples, neck, tongue, and even the feet, legs and nose, as all being desirable. Song of songs, being poetry, the text uses a parallel construction. This means, basically, that similar thoughts/sentiments are reiterated with slight modification – either to emphasise equal importance of ideas or to maintain fluency and coherence to sentence structure. So, by that token, there are less than seven original ideas referring to the breast in a sensual manner. Other references in the Song of Songs refer to the breast as in indication of maturity or readiness of the giving of marriage. And yes, breasts do indicate physical maturity, as does facial hair on a male.

The current attitude toward breasts being ‘taboo’ has really only come to the fore in the 20th century. I am unsure of exactly when such puritanical thinking took over, but certainly as late as the 1930s there were propaganda type posters of women exposing their breast to encourage them to nurse their babies. These, and other earlier images – (Images of breastfeeding in art – indicate a very different attitude in the ‘Western world’ to the current sexualised viewpoint. The number of images (over hundreds of years) in art and iconography of the Madonna nursing Christ at a fully exposed breast – and even nipple – shows that our discomfort with the breast is a relatively recent thing.

One author puts it this way (

The general breast taboo and the provocative visual images in the media greatly encourage men to view breasts as objects of sexual arousal and play. Men are actually being conditioned to see breasts as sexual - to them, breasts become almost like inanimate objects that automatically "click" their brains to the "turn-on" mode.

This "obsession" is to be distinguished from a general appreciation of breasts for what they are (source of nourishment). Boys who were breast-fed as babies have a deep-seated "built-in" appreciation for a woman's breasts due to the child-mother relationship. This is NOT sexual in nature, nor arousing, but merely an instinctive appreciation towards breasts deep in one's psyche (soul).
What has happened to that appreciation without the sexual obsession? Clearly it is not just a matter of logic, or else there would be nothing to discuss. And what is the answer? How do we change the thinking of a corrupt world?

I am not a repository of answers, but I do have the questions. If anything, I think that this latest little episode on Face Book is yet another wonderful conversation starter. Not everyone will agree on everything, but getting people talking is the first step to building understanding and relationships. I hope I can use every little piece of controversy that I come across as an avenue to relating to another human being and seeing where that conversation can take us.

I want to inspire imagination in others. Imagination is wild, creative thinking. Sometimes we are so certain of our beliefs and values that we never question what we take for granted. I think that’s dangerous. It’s ok to question what we think and come back to our original ideas, but to never question is arrogant and ignorant. And that I strive not to be.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Have it both ways?

I heard on the news yesterday about a man who has been jailed for 3 years due to causing injury and driving while suspended. It's in The Age today.
What caught my attention was that the woman injured and her husband are angry at the fact that there is no law that would protect their unborn son who died at 27 weeks gestation due to injuries sustained in the crash. This couple want laws to protect the rights of the child they lost. The child who had no voice and is not recognised by our law.
Does anyone here not see the irony in this?
We have changed the law to allow a mother to kill her unborn child up until birth if she so desires. The way we have done this is by defining an unborn child as less than human (otherwise it would be murder). An unborn baby can't be a baby at one moment and not at another. It can't be a child in one woman's womb and not in another's.
We need to have a long hard look at ourselves.
Oh, and BTW, before you correct me by saying it's not a baby, it's a foetus - foetus comes from the Latin for young child.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

It's my birthday today, I'm older than yesterday.

So I couldn't decide what would be a truly fitting post for the first one.

So much so that I didn't start writing at all, and then I started writing and ditching, and now I have a couple of half-finished posts lurking in my drafts folder.

It's possibly my terminal ability to procrastinate (I'm thinking of starting a yahoo group for procrastinators, but I just haven't got around to it yet). Or maybe it's my God-given talent for embellishing, flowery digressive prose that hinders me from getting to the point (hey, I'm still not there yet).

Anyway, deletions, re-editing and refining aside, I've finally decided just to start writing. After all, a journey begun is actually begun. (Hmmm??? - wanted to avoid trite cliches like 'the first step is the hardest', but...)

It was my birthday last week.

No big milestone. Thirty-something, something, something and a couple more somethings.
My eldest edition DD12 wrote me the most beautiful letter telling me that I am beautiful and YOUNG. Oh, it is so easy to forget the regular misdemeanours of a nearly 13 year old and the tearing-out-hair-frustration in a moment as heart-melting as that. I must have done something right. *sigh*
I also had a lovely evening with some wonderful ladies - ostensibly to watch a DVD, but we kind of gave up on that and just chatted as women can be wont to do.

Digression warning - you'll get plenty of these if you keep reading my blog:

We watched (well, started to anyway), Francis Ford Coppola's Youth Without Youth, starring Tim Roth and Alexandra Maria Lara. It's about this old academic who gets struck by lightning and mystically has his youth and brain powers restored and then has to hide from the Nazis. Well, that last part I only know from the DVD dust-jacket as we never got that far. Hey, I love art-house, but even Margaret Pomeranz's glowing comment that it was a 'pleasure to watch' couldn't help us sit through it. Very slow, disjointed and a bit too strange.

My wonderful mother watched the two kids who were home from school (DS10 - the final one of my four to get this virus thing) and DD1 for a few hours so I could do the obligatory tidy up (you know, seek and destroy food scraps deposited in odd locations, removal of inch thick dust and quick scooping up of unfolded laundry into some room I hope guests won't peek in). I even managed to bake my first cheesecake, and it worked!! Yum, lemon, cherry and raspberry - ooh, hungry again just thinking about it.

Yes, all in all a rather pleasant day - sun was shining, balmy Autumn breeze - until I went to the BlockBuster video store to get the movie that is.

Apparently 42 days before my darling son had gone to borrow a DVD. And didn't return it. And didn't get me to return it.
ONE HUNDRED AND SEVENTEEN DOLLARS fine they wanted. Hello? That's insane. $3 a day.
Promptly went home, got my son to find the DVD and returned it with mortified son and ropable mum. "Oh, we can work out a deal if you pay it all now... Only $50."

Paid it in a daze and went home outlining to my son how long that would take to pay back on his $5 per week pocket money and that he would (obviously) not have any spending money in all that time either. He didn't look too happy.

So I told my girlfriends the sorry story and they all implored me to do something about it. As they rightly pointed out, just WHEN were they going to contact me? Would they have let the fine reach $200, $500 or even $1,000 and not let me know? Shocking customer service. Apparently VideoEzy calls my friend the day it is late!

I did go back and have a whinge (I should never have paid it in the first place, but a bit late now) and the assistant manager gave me $15 credit (PHHTT!), but at least now it will only take DS10 7 weeks of dreariness to be out of debt.

Or, maybe less. He is my little entrepreneur. He made and delivered leaflets to all the neighbours in the street advertising his 'bin bringing in and out service'. Our next door neighbours have taken this up (I think they actually appreciate not having to go up and down their sloping driveway with them) and paid him more than he asked. He is quite chuffed.

Happy Birthday to me. I'm looking forward to this year. They just keep getting more interesting!