Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Have it both ways?

I heard on the news yesterday about a man who has been jailed for 3 years due to causing injury and driving while suspended. It's in The Age today.
What caught my attention was that the woman injured and her husband are angry at the fact that there is no law that would protect their unborn son who died at 27 weeks gestation due to injuries sustained in the crash. This couple want laws to protect the rights of the child they lost. The child who had no voice and is not recognised by our law.
Does anyone here not see the irony in this?
We have changed the law to allow a mother to kill her unborn child up until birth if she so desires. The way we have done this is by defining an unborn child as less than human (otherwise it would be murder). An unborn baby can't be a baby at one moment and not at another. It can't be a child in one woman's womb and not in another's.
We need to have a long hard look at ourselves.
Oh, and BTW, before you correct me by saying it's not a baby, it's a foetus - foetus comes from the Latin for young child.

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